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This page is dedicated to recomended links to downloads or information that we have found to be
useful to help improve performance of HP-UX applications (this is one of our main goals at AppMate).

IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool we used to demonstate the speed of a ramdisc vs the VA7400
virtual disk array as shown on our IOzone benchmark page.  The output of IOzone can be converted to
three dimmensional charts with Microsoft Excel.  There are many options within IOzone to isolate only
the data you want to retrieve. IOzone is a free utility and available at

SarCheck developed by  Aptitune Corporation is an inexpensive tool to help UNIX system administrators
with UNIX performance tuning. It identifies problem areas, and if necessary, recommends changes to the
system's tunable parameters.   SarCheck translates your system's sar reports into a Plain English report.
SarCheck can detect CPU Bottlenecks, runaway processes,  I/O bottlenecks, improper I/O load balancing,
slow disk devices, memory bottlenecks and leaks, inefficient system buffer cache sizing, improper system
table sizes, and inefficient PATH variables. It analyzes resources analysis and makes recommendations.

HP IT Resource Forum may be used to find a resolution to a performance problem (or to suggest one).
Other people may have experienced the same problem with an application and a solution may already
be posted on this forum. The forum site is free but requires registration at

HP-UX Performance Cookbook is available in PDF format and describes various methods to configure
your HP-UX system for performance. This book is very detailed explaining the parameters available and
how they should be used.   The book is free and is available from the  HP  Developer & Partner Solution
Portal (DSPP) website by using this link  UXPerfCookBook.pdf (full URL of link too long to display)

HP-UX 11i System Administration Handbook and Toolkit by Marty Poniatowski (sold in paperback) is a
complete toolkit for  HP-UX  System administration with key options for UNIX / Windows interoperability.
Covers UNIX commands and shells in-depth.  Here is the link to this book.

HP-UX 11i Version 2 System Administration by Marty Poniatowski (sold in paperback) is the definite
guide to installing and administering HP-UX 11i Version 2 in any environment, on both HP 9000 and
HP Integrity server families.  Here is the link to this book.

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